For information about your School's Community Council, please contact the school.
Parent Council Minutes Apr. 3, 2024.
- Minutes approved from last meeting.
- Business arising from minutes
- Seed fundraiser: $1000 profit
- Principal’s report:
- Review of board math support at the school; school targeted for improving math results
- Math intervention and support (Rachel Shute from the board, Math lead)
- Small group work and teacher training
- Astrid was to share board improvement plan, but not yet available. Shared school improvement plan. Reviewed areas of mental health, transitions, attendance.
- Astrid shared draft of an updated school code of conduct to hopefully go home with packages in September
- Reviewed school calendar
= number of updates coming (e.g. archery tournament, CMHA, spirit days for Earth week, Track and field dates
- Donations: ABATE motorcycle club $500 to the library
- Quotes for outdoor classroom and 200 m track pending.
- Science Fair and Speeches
- Discussed parent concerns around speeches and science fair, such as communication about timelines, amount of class time provided, used for assessment or not, mandatory or not.
- Also discussed timing of speeches and science fair around the same time.
- Todd shared that speech and science fair competitions are set by outside groups. We plan for kids to have topics chosen before Christmas. Discussed possibility of timelines/exact dates for each stage in the project.
- Will discuss as a staff if we can better streamline how speeches and science fair are delivered in each class.
- Parents would like to know how much time has been given in class (kids aren’t always clear when they communicate)
5.Harrison Meats Fundraiser
- 2 week period
- May 15th for pickup
- April 25 to have orders in
- Colleen to contact to get forms ASAP, hope to send them home by then of next week
- Todd to get students to help with organizing/helping with orders on pickup day
- Audrey to get cash online set up
- Grad
- Carolyn asked for an update on grad such as if/what parent help is needed, meal, themes
- Meeting next week about grad and what the theme will be. Astrid to check in with Mr. Smith about how things are going
Next meeting May 8 at 530 pm
Parent Council Minutes- Feb. 7, 2024.
Approval of minutes from last meeting:
Fundraiser profit update-
- Quarter Auction- $3200
- Candles-$2330
- Poinsettias-$550
- Little Caesars-$1300
Feb. 7 minutes
- Discussion of upcoming fundraiser-Harrison Meats in May
-Becky Bouwmeester suggested seed fundraiser for the Spring, she would follow up with info.
- Review of Parent Council PC bank account. $2022. Was $9000, but spent $5000 on Gagaball pit.
-helped pay for fire hall trip bussing
-lowered cost of OEC trip from 200 to 75.
-Colleen B. asked about putting quarter auction money in parent council account. Astrid to look into fundraising policy around that.
-council asked about money for instruments or offsetting projector/screen costs for gym
- Principal Update:
-review of winter fun day
-Becky asked about electives. Discussed issues around equity and costs. A number of families have difficulty paying. Need certain numbers to make a trip reasonable/logistically possible eg. Having 1 teacher, a bus, and 9 kids skiing with 1 teacher and 50 kids snowshoeing.
-Colleen mentioned Gardhouse memorial fund + Kinsman for possibly supplementing school/community sports activities for kids that cannot afford it. Astrid to call Krista Fullerton to inquire.
-Astrid looking into Swim to Survive for Gr. 3’s
Archery update:
-Astrid shared delay of work order from October for gym mountings. Astrid followed up with Superintendent. We were to have them installed Feb. 13, but no none came. Astrid will be following up again.
-there is a school archery competition in the works to be hosted at the Desboro arena.
Blue Jays trip update:
-56 tickets/ 1 bus
-Gr. 4 and up going (some driving)
-some parents wanted clarification about who was allowed to go, Colleen to follow up with them.
- Grad photos
-poor service and last minute dates from company, so we are changing companies.
-going to edgewell?
-they are coming next year (2 year contract with current company)
- Booking dates:
- All school dates on digital calendar- concern parents not getting notification for these events.
- Becky asked about going back to paper copies for dates.
- Astrid to look at ease of printing from the webpage/website
- Majesta suggested expanding weekly update to a monthly one to send home. Astrid to send out.